Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Management and Governance
Ketokivi & Mahoney (2025)
Transaction cost economics and stakeholder theory
Oxford Bibliographies in Management
Bhardwaj & Ketokivi (2021)
Bilateral dependency and supplier performance ambiguity in supply chain contracting
Journal of Operations Management
Ketokivi & Mahoney (2020)
Transaction cost economics as a theory of supply chain efficiency
Production and Operations Management
Ketokivi & Mahoney (2017)
Transaction cost economics as a theory of the firm, management, and governance
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management
Groop, Ketokivi, Gupta & Holmström (2017)
Improving home care: Knowledge creation through engagement and design
Journal of Operations Management
Ketokivi, Turkulainen, Seppälä, Rouvinen & Ali-Yrkkö (2017)
Why locate manufacturing in a high-cost country?
Journal of Operations Management
Ketokivi & Mahoney (2016)
Transaction cost economics as a constructive stakeholder theory
Academy of Management Learning & Education
Ketokivi (2006)
Journal of Operations Management
Ketokivi & Jokinen (2006)
Strategy, uncertainty, and the focused factory in international process manufacturing
Journal of Operations Management
Ketokivi & Castaner (2004)
Strategic planning as an integrative device
Administrative Science Quarterly
Methodology, Reasoning, and Argumentation
Ketokivi, Fosse & Kawalek (2025)
The ethical embeddedness of the economic inequality debate
Journal of Business Ethics
Ketokivi & Mantere (2021)
What warrants our claims? A methodological evaluation of argument structure
Journal of Operations Management
Ketokivi, Bromiley & Awaysheh (2021)
Making theoretically informed choices in specifying panel-data models
Production and Operations Management
Ketokivi (2019)
Avoiding bias and fallacy in survey research: A behavioral multilevel approach
Journal of Operations Management
Ketokivi, Mantere & Cornelissen (2017)
Reasoning by analogy and the progress of theory
Academy of Management Review
Ketokivi & McIntosh (2017)
Addressing the endogeneity dilemma in operations management research
Journal of Operations Management
Ketokivi & Choi (2014)
Renaissance of case research as a scientific method
Journal of Operations Management
Mantere & Ketokivi (2013)
Reasoning in organization science
Academy of Management Review
Ketokivi & Mantere (2010)
Two strategies for inductive reasoning in organizational research
Academy of Management Review
Holmström, Ketokivi & Hameri (2009)
Bridging practice and theory: A design science approach
Decision Sciences
Ketokivi & Schroeder (2004)
Perceptual measures of performance: fact or fiction?
Journal of Operations Management